Posts tagged life coaching
How 3 letters make a difference

I always loved playing charades when I was a little girl. Trying to get people to guess words or strings of words without speaking. It’s something my parents played with their friends a lot too. They’d be in their best party clothes - while I took time to sneak into the kitchen to steal - I mean eat - as many as those bright red sticky (horrible for you) cherries as my little fingers could reach.

So, here‘s the first clue - the word has 3 letters - starts with a vowel - very common - but I haven’t used it yet!

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Coping with that "Empty" feeling.

The weekends go by waaay too fast, or if you’re off during the week, I’m sure those days do too. 😎 We usually spend those days doing things we love, filling ourselves with good stuff like sleeping in late, catching a movie, going out to eat, maybe some “me” time. So we feel better...because we’ve nourished ourselves.

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Reaching Out to Help Heal Inner Child

In therapy, we tend to do some work at least that dives into our past experiences. For each experience we've ever had is a step ladder to who we are now. We tend to carry with us not only the good, but also the things that hurt or upset us. Not all of these feelings just magically get healed. Sometimes, we need to spend a little bit of time working through them so we can heal and release them. Counseling takes this on a much deeper, more profound level.

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3 Key Questions to Ask Yourself

We often tell ourselves all sorts of stories. I know I’ve done it. You’ve probably done it, I’m guessing. They’re the stories we’ve learned over the years. Some, if not many, self-inflicted.

“I’m not a good friend.” “People don’t like me.” And even the most highly popular, “ I’m not good enough.” Sound familiar? Yep, to me too!!

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