Many people seek therapy due to stress, and we could write a book on this subject (and many people have). But we want to offer you some simple steps you can take to manage stress in your life.
Read MoreInside the dark envelope that surrounds you, it’s warm, peaceful, and almost blissful. You are sleeping soundly, the slow rhythm of the night has found its way into your very breath, relaxing and soothing you after the day before that left you sapped, drained, done. It’s the only time your body and mind have to turn off even for just a few hours. Well, somewhat anyway. You could relish this for at least a few more hours, totally unaware and uncaring in this moment of what calls to you from the rest of this new day. That list of things that always seems to be waiting, and sometimes wailing, for attention. In this brief escape, you are relaxed and unburdened by the weight of this brand new day.
Read MoreStress has become a factor in our culture in the last 20 years partly because of the very things that were originally designed to make life less stressful. Conveniences such as ATM machines, microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, and fax machines have made life easier in many ways, but they also have woven an expectation of instant gratification into our culture. This can cause a constant flow of stress for some.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if medication is a "must" if you go into counseling if you've been feeling kind of depressed? A lot of people do, and they worry about it. In our opinion, it really depends. We believe that the least invasive, but yet most effective, means is the best approach.
And, what the studies have shown may surprise you...
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