Posts tagged Reiki Monmouth County NJ
How to Easily Clear Your Energy

I admit it.

I used to be so caught up in this whole process. Gathering supplies, tripping over the dogs, opening the windows, or standing outside freezing myself…

It really was a process!

I’d get my smudge stick ready, try not to burn myself (because I’m NOT coordinated like that!) annnnd stop my furballs from coming in and choking on the smoke!

Or, I tried to find time to clean and recharge my crystals, get them all lined up on each chakra, and then lie on my bed while trying to keep the cat from using them as hockey pucks.

I mean, it started to feel like I was gathering more stressful energy than I was releasing!

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Swimming the Highs, Surfing the Lows

One minute you’re feeling content, happy maybe even, and the next you feel this wash of sadness - and then things shift again, you can’t pinpoint why exactly, but you find yourself back in that place of contentment. And so on and back and forth and you aren’t sure if you’re losing control of yourself or you’re under the mercy of some unseen psychic forces.

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Let's Look at Common Causes of Stress

Stress has become a factor in our culture in the last 20 years partly because of the very things that were originally designed to make life less stressful. Conveniences such as ATM machines, microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, and fax machines have made life easier in many ways, but they also have woven an expectation of instant gratification into our culture. This can cause a constant flow of stress for some.

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