Choosing How You Feel

Have you ever thought about all the times we make choices in any given day?


I’ve spoken about judgments before, and how to open our awareness to it so we can move into a place of less stress and anxiety, but what about actually choosing how we feel?  We see it all the time. Choose happiness!! Choose love!! But sooo many times, the response (and understandably so) is WELL, THAT'S GREAT BUT HOW????

Have you ever made a conscious choice to choose how you feel in any given moment, or most especially, during a really challenging time? Do you think it’s even possible? Or, have you ever tried? Was it hard, easy, or just impossible?

Making a choice in how you feel has nothing to do with suppressing how you feel. Suppressing doesn’t lead to a healthy state of mind. Yet sometimes these messages come across like we should do just that, right?

But, here’s the good news, we can choose our feelings without suppressing them. We can make that choice in any given moment. But, HOW???

Notice, I didn’t say it was easy. It can be super difficult! Difficult and possible aren’t exclusive though - and there are ways to help make it easier.

Learning to shift perspective is part of the process. Not by denying your reality, but paying attention to another. 

One of the ways we help our clients learn to shift out of stress, anxiety and fear is to teach them about shifting perspective. But it doesn’t end there.

Once we can shift our perspective, the rest of the steps in the process flow and follow helping to make choosing how we feel that much easier.

If you’d like help in this area, please reach out and contact us. We love supporting our clients as they step into their inner strength. 

Our very best always,

Kevin and Beth


For more information about our counseling services, please click here: Integrative Counseling